
fishing-nearbyLiving on the coast, you can choose to fish the rivers for Salmon and Sea trouts or go sea fishing for Mackerel (from mid-April) and Pollack. Blue Shark and Porbeagle are regulars and even Thresher and Mako Sharks and Bluefin Tuna have been spotted.

Below are only a few spots we have fished and got very used too. There are plenty more and you can find most of them on Fishing in Ireland Website. Most and best information you can get in the pub from your local fishermen.

River and Lake fishing, just a few

louisburghBunowen River (5km away or less than 10min drive) rises in the Sheefry Hills in south Mayo and flows through peatland and rough pasture to the sea at Louisburgh, near the mouth of Clew Bay. Although this is a spate river, there are some deep pools providing excellent lies for salmon and sea trout.

Salmon angling is best from mid-June onwards. Fly-fishing is most practised but there are some stretches where worm and spinning are allowed. The river gets a small run of sea trout throughout the summer, averaging 0.5lbs.

Carrownisky (6km away or less than 10min drive) is a short spate river and is situated three miles from Louisburgh. The lower reaches of the river are characterised by long flat stretches, and before entering the sea it flows into Roonagh Lough, which is tidal. There are runs of salmon and sea trout into the Carrowniskey from June onwards, and Roonagh Lough offers fishing for both, either by fly or by dapping. It is mainly fly-fishing, but there are some worm and spinning allowed over certain stretches.

Season Salmon: 1 April to 30 September & Sea trout: 1 June to 30 September. Contact IFI Office, Ballyhip, Louisburgh, Co. Mayo, Tel: +353 (0)98 66404 Permits are available from Durkan’s Gala Shop in Louisburgh.

The Owenwee, or Belclare River, (20km away or 20min drive) is a short spate river draining the slopes of Croagh Patrick, the holy mountain, on the shores of Clew Bay. The best fishing is in the last 3km before it reaches the sea. Fishing is by permit only. Permits are available from Gannon’s Garage, Belclare. The fishing is owned by the Bourke Family, and Tom Bourke is available to guide visiting anglers.

delphiDelphi Fishery (20km away or 25min drive) consists of the Bundorragha River, and two large lakes draining the Delphi Valley – Finlough and Doolough. The fishery is privately owned, with a fishing lodge and rental cottages providing accommodation and offers guided fishing to visitors. The Bundorragha River is a short river draining Finlough and dropping steeply over 2.5km to the sea. Over the whole of this distance, the myriad pools are bounded by fast rapids and waterfalls, giving ideal flyfishing water, and fish rest frequently in the holding pools along its length. The lakes are set in fantastic scenery, with mountains rising steeply on either side.

Sea Angling at its best

The sea angling grounds of Clew Bay are amongst the best in Europe, while the inshore waters of the bay offer excellent shallow water angling. Boats can be chartered for angling, cruising or exploring some of Clew Bay’s reputed 365 islands.

maryWith the Shamrock I a 33′ boat, Mary Gavin Hughes, our friend is by far our most favourite skipper. She sails mostly from Newport and fishing in and along Clew Bay and Clare Island.

Mary is Europe’s only lady skipper, combined with her intimate knowledge of Clew Bay and the waters around Clare Island, Achill, and beyond, Mary is internationally known for her expertise on sea angling, seamanship, and your fishing requirements.

Telephone: +353 86 8062282, Email:

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